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Bob Vogt
Managing Director,
Career Ready Xchange
Welcome to Career Ready Xchange
More a Newsletter than a Web Site,
Our commitment to Healthcare IT professionals makes us different than the rest. We are driving a community of IT folks towards Career Ready Opportunities. Web Sites tend to be static and outdated, that is why our Healthcare Xchange will evolve from our Career Ready Newsletter. Keeping in mind career ready information on skills, trends and jobs is the information you need at your doorstep.
Career Ready Xchange is a premier recruitment firm with corporate offices located in Dayton, Ohio. Bob Vogt, Managing Director, has been in technology sales and management for over 20 years. During more than 10 years as a recruiter, Bob has learned that in job and career change the candidate is the important side of the equation. Keep in mind, it is the candidate's (your) life that is impacted.
Our Newsletter offers:
- Available direct hire and contract jobs
- Career ready skills, trends, and tips
- Top Ten candidates available for positions
- Articles from healthcare professionals
- Articles from recruiters and employers
When we send out an email and our newsletter you may be alerted to new potential opportunities. Our staff is there to assist and
- Your resume will never wind up in a black hole
- Our recruiters are always available via cell phone
- Understanding your needs is our plan
If you are a Healthcare IT professional looking to make a career change, don't hesitate to get your information to us and we'll see about upgrading your career.